I woke up in 2018. This partially means I began to acknowledge my African roots and the richness of my Jamaican heritage, and my life has changed significantly since. I mentioned my awakening because without this change, I probably would not have paid attention to the God-given healing and spiritual properties of plants or herbs. In fact, I dreamed an ancestor came to me and gifted me with a particular herb. The ingredients for my Yoni blends began coming to me in more dreams and I did not understand why.

After struggling financially for many years, I prayed a very specific prayer asking that I be guided to find another source of income that would also represent me. I have always been passionate about the well-being of women and the sexual health of everyone; and I mentioned in my prayer that my business should reflect this.

When I came across Yoni Steaming on the Internet I had an amazing lightbulb moment. I was immediately sure that offering this wonderful, healing, ancestral practice of Yoni Steaming is my calling and I haven’t doubted it since. I have since acquired my Master Herbalist Certification and went on to study at the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute where I gained a much deeper knowledge of working with herbs and the protocols of peristeaming; and became a certified Peristeam Practitioner. I am qualified to help and empower women to address issues with their uterus with herbs. The testimonials I receive in return are very rewarding. 

JaceyRose Herbal Steams and Yoni Care Products are carefully and intentionally formulated. I offer products of the highest quality that are blessed and effective.